Crops and team spirit are growing rapidly at Hazera Warmenhuizen

“The demo fields are a great representation of what we have achieved as a team over the past period, and the challenges we have overcome” says Joost Botman, field team leader at Hazera in Warmenhuizen. He shares insights into his work, the crops in the demo fields, and the International Open Days on September 24-25-26.

“It is rewarding to work outside and see actual results of your work at the end of the day” Joost shares. “These results depend on various factors, including weather conditions. It is a proud feeling when we, as a team manage to achieve the desired results, despite these challenges. This year for example, we managed to develop a diverse and healthy demo field, even after a very wet spring.”

Versatility in the field
Joost highlights key features of the demo field for the open days: “Hazera’s diverse cabbage range for all segments will be on display. We also managed to grow radishes on clay soil, which was a unique challenge. We thought: let’s just give it a try. And it worked!” The extensive crop selection, especially for cabbage, makes sense for Joost. “Warmenhuizen is the cabbage hub of the Netherlands. You can see the region’s expertise reflected in our team.” In addition, Hazera is part of a larger organization, Limagrain Group. “That means we work with lots of different crops and varieties as well, adding lots of variation to the job.”

Strong team, strong results
What Joost enjoys most about his job is the strong team spirit. Within the field crew, and within Hazera as a whole. “We are really in it together, working towards a common goal. There’s a lot of expertise among our people, the atmosphere is warm and pleasant, and we work in a great location. The demo field is proof that this combination can lead to excellent results.”

Curious about the work of Joost and his field team? Visit the Open Days in Warmenhuizen on September 24-25-26. For more information, check:

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