People behind the crop Alvaro Andrino

Meet the people behind the crops: Alvaro Andrino

At Hazera, we are proud of our dedicated team, which works passionately to provide our growers with the best products. While we tend to put our products in the headlines, it is the Hazera team who are behind our success. Let’s shine the spotlight on Alvaro Andrino (45), Sales Manager for Central America from Guatemala City, Central America.

Alvaro Andrino (45) has always wanted to study and work in agriculture. Even though his family had been involved in the industry, it was his childhood friends, who made him want to go into this field. “When I was young, I spent a lot of time at my friends’ cattle farm to look at the animals and to be a “cowboy.” He smiled. “I was always surrounded by agriculture, so it is not surprising that I fell in love with this industry. After graduation, I started my professional career working with plants. It has been about 24 years now.”

In your opinion, what is the most important personality trait someone would need to have to work in your industry?

“Patience.” Alvaro said right away with confidence. “You must be very patient. I have a history of working with chemicals you apply to the crops. That was my first job and I quickly learnt, that when working with chemicals you can do trials and within 24 – 48 hours, you can see the results. With seeds, it is different, it is slow. Developing a good variety can take years.” Alvaro continued. “So, patience is very important, but so is understanding the crops from the beginning. In this job, you need to be on the fields to truly understand the crop and to see the characteristics that would make a variety successful.”

Tell us about a project you’re proud of and why.

“I am quite proud of the Exceed project we are working on for the Fresh Chain. As part of it, with our mini seedless watermelon variety, Exceed, we got ranked quite high at the innovation award at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. I am happy about it because it is a project, we started around three years ago when developing this variety. I was confident in Exceed, but what positively surprised me was how efficiently and professionally the team worked to achieve this. We needed to arrange samples for the event, we needed to do the promotions, and talk to the clients at the fair etc… There was trust, which is very important.” He says with a smile. “Especially because we are still just at the beginning of this project.”

What does “Hazera- Growing Together” mean to you?

“For me, growing together means understanding that event though everything begins with the seed, we need to work together with breeders, growers, portfolio managers and so on to develop the right seeds that can grow into a strong plant and later can prove a nice dining experience to people. We need to develop new technologies, have to listen to growers, and be on the fields to see and learn. Learning is also a form of growing.”

How do you see Hazera’s story reflect in your day to day work?

“Hazera’s story elements: inspired by nature, good for people, global diversity, and Invested expertise are very connected and are important to me.” Alvaro was thinking hard. “But if I had to choose one, I would say inspired by nature. I consider myself a lucky person for having to work in in this field for a long time. I love going to the field early in the morning when the sun has not even come out yet, but when it does, you see the whole crop in a different light, it is like as if the sun is giving them life. It is beautiful. But I also understand how much work it is to create such a beauty. Just think of how much effort and time are put into one seed. But it is all worth it because we are doing good for people, providing them with food.”

Tell us something about yourself that most people do not know.

“I have a wonderful family. I am happily married to my wife, Luisa and we have an amazing cat, Dalí. I love sports. Any kind, let it be rowing, tennis, football, rugby. I try to do sports every day, even at four in the morning or ten at night. I am very passionate about it. I think that your mind and body have to be on the same level. You cannot be a balanced person if you are not taking care of yourself. I am also very passionate about the industry and my work. Also, because I love doing what I do, but also because of my mother, who passed away two years ago.” Alvaro continued with a sad voice. “She and my two older brothers were and still are a great inspiration for me in everything I do. She was a truly amazing woman who motivated me a lot to continue study and to do a good work.

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